Radio K.A.O.S - Roger Waters

Publicación: Junio 15 (U.K & U.S.A).

Productores: Roger Waters, Ian Ritchie.
Ingeniero de sonido: Chris Sheldon.
Asistido por: Paul Batchelor, Kevin Whyte, Colin Lyon.
Grabación: Octubre a Diciembre 1986.
Estudios: Billiard Room.
Mezclado en: Odyssey (Febrero - Marzo 1987).
Pre-producción y programación en: The Skylight Suite.
Discográfica U.K: EMI Records.
N° de catalogo: KAOS 1.
Discográfica U.S.A: Columbia Records.
N° de catalogo: FC 40795.
Diseño de portada: Kate Hepburn y Pearce Marchbank.
Con agradecimiento a: Mark Fisher y Jonathan Park.

Agradecimientos especiales a: Carolyne, Peter Rudge, Andy og Lynda Quigley, Chris Elmore y Mr. Butcher por su apoyo constante, Nick Griffiths por todo su trabajo de pre-producción, y Pat "Paraquat" Kelly, Cynthia Fox y todo el personal del ex-KMET para 'the fish report with a beat'.

Esta grabación contiene una obra de arte de ficción.
Ninguna asociación con cualquier estación de radiodifusión actual se ha autorizado o previsto.

Este álbum está dedicado a todos aquellos que se encuentran en el extremo violento del monetarismo.


Lado 1.

01 Radio Waves.
(Waters)   4:58
02 Who Needs Information.
(Waters)   5:55
03 Me or Him.
(Waters)   5:23
04 The Powers That Be.
(Waters)   4:36

Lado 2.

05 Sunset Strip.
(Waters)   4:45
06 Home.
(Waters)   6:00
07 Four Minutes.
(Waters)   4:00
08 The Tide Is Turning (After Live Aid).
(Waters)   5:43

Tiempo total: 41:24 minutos.


1987 Radio Waves / Going to Live in L.A.
Publicación: 11 de mayo.

1987 Sunset Strip / Money (Live).
Publicación: 12 de septiembre.

1987 The Tide Is Turning (After Live Aid) / Money (Live).
Publicación: 16 de noviembre.

1987 Who Needs Information / Molly's Song.
Publicación: 21 de diciembre.

Vinyl Long Play - Edición U.K:

Discográfica: EMI Records.
N° de catalogo: KAOS 1.



 Contraportada y portada (con sticker).



 Etiquetas lados 1 y 2.


Roger Waters:

Voz, guitarra, bajo, teclados, shakuhachi (Me Or Him).

The Bleeding Heart Band:

Andy Fairweather Low: Guitarras eléctricas.
Jay Stapley: Guitarras eléctricas.
Mel Collins: Saxofón.
Ian Ritchie: Piano, teclados, programación Fairlight y de batería.
Graham Broad: Batería, percusión.
John Linwood: Batería (The Powers That Be).
Nick Glenny-Smith: DX7 y Emu (The Powers That Be).
Matt Irving: Órgano Hammond (The Powers That Be).
Paul Carrack: Voz (The Powers That Be).
Clare Torry: Voz (Home y Four Minutes).
Suzanne Rhatigan: Voz (Radio Waves, Me Or Him, Sunset Strip, The Tide Is Turning).
Katie Kissoon, Doreen Chanter, Madeline Bell, Steve Langer & Vicky Brown: Coros (Who Needs Information, Powers That Be y Radio Waves).

Sección de viento (Who Needs Information y The Powers That Be):

Ian Ritchie: Sax tenor.
John Phirkell: Trompeta.
Peter Thoms: Trombone.
Ian Ritchie: Arreglos.

Sección de viento (Sunset Strip):

Mel Collins: Saxofones.
Ian Ritchie: Sax tenor.
John Phirkell: Trompeta.
Peter Thoms: Trombón.
Arreglos por: Roger Waters.

The Pontardoulais Male Voice: Coro.
Dirigido por: Noel Davis.
Eric Jones: Arreglos.


Jim Ladd: Jim.
Andy Quigley: The 'Forgive me, Father' speech en 'Me Or Him'.
Shelley Ladd: Monkey y Dog Lady.
Jack Snyder: Guppy.
Ron Weldy: "I Don't Like Fish".
J.J. Jackson: Flounder.
Jim Rogers: Doesn't like fish, marine fish.
John Taylor: Shellfish Shrimp Crab Lobster.
Stuart the spaniel: Uncle David's Great Dane, con la ayuda de un AKAI 900 sampler y un DX7 para hacer el sonido mas grande.
BBC master computer: Billy.
Harry & India Waters: Niños en el jardín.



Benny is a Welsh coal miner. He is a radio ham. He is 23 years old, married to Molly. They have a son, young Ben, aged 4, and a new baby. They look after Benny's twin brother Billy, who is apparently a vegetable. The mine is closed by the market forces. The Male Voice Choir stops singing, the village is dying. 
One night Benny takes Billy on a pub crawl. Drunk in a brightly-lit shopping mall, Benny vents his anger on a shop window full of multiple TV images of Margaret Thatcher's mocking condescension. In defiance, he steals a cordless 'phone. Later that night, Benny cavorts dangerously on the parapet of a motorway footbridge, in theatrical protest at the tabloid press. That same night, a cab driver is killed by a concrete block dropped off a similar bridge. The police come to question Benny; he hides the cordless 'phone under the cushion of Billy's wheelchair. 
Billy is different, he can receive radio waves directly without the aid of a tuner; he explores the cordless 'phone, recognizing its radioness. Benny is sent to prison. Billy feels as if half of him has been cut off. He misses Benny's nightly conversations with radio hams in foreign parts. Molly, unable to cope, sends Billy to stay with his Great Uncle David, who had emigrated to the USA during the war. Much as Billy likes Uncle David and the sunshine and all the new radio in LA, he cannot adjust to the cultural upheaval and the loss of Benny, who for him is 'home'. 
Uncle David, now an old man, is haunted by having worked on the Manhattan project during World War II, designing the Atom Bomb, and seeks to atone. He also is a radio ham; he often talks to other hams about the Black Hills of his youth, the Male Voice Choir, about home. He is saddened by the use of telecommunication to trivialise important issues, the soap opera of state. However, Live Aid has decynicised him to an extent. Billy listens to David and hears the truth the old man speaks. 
Billy experiments with his cordless 'phone, he learns to make calls. He accesses computers and speech synthesizers, he learns to speak. Billy makes contact with Jim a DJ at Radio KAOS, a renegade rock station fighting a lone rear guard action against format radio. Billy and Jim become radio friends, Reagan and Thatcher bomb Lybia. Billy perceives this as an act of political "entertainment" fireworks to focus attention away from problems at "home". 
Billy has developed his expertise with the cordless 'phone to the point where he can now control the most powerful computers in the world. He plans an "entertainment" of his own. He simulates nuclear attack everywhere, but de-activates the military capability of "the powers that be" to retaliate. In extremes perceptions change, Panic, comedy, compassion. In a SAC bunker a soldier in a white cravat turns a key to launch the counter attack. Nothing happens; impotently he kicks the console, hurting his foot. He watches the approaching blips on the radar screen. As impact approaches, he thinks of his wife and kids, he puts his fingers in his ears. 
Silence. White out. Black out. Lights out. It didn't happen, we're still alive. Billy has drained the earth of power to create his illusion. All over the dark side of the earth, candles are lit. In the pub in Billy's home village in Wales one man starts to sing; the other men join in. The tide is turning.
Billy is home.

Radio Waves.

Jim: This is K.A.O.S. You and I are listening to KAOS in
Los Angeles. Let's go to the telephones now and
take a reradio wavesuest.
Billy: Hello, I'm Billy.
Jim: Yes?
Billy: I hear radio waves in my head.
Jim: You hear radio waves in your head? Ah! Is there
a request that you have tonight for KAOS?

Radio waves, radio waves
He hears radio waves, radio waves
The atmosphere is thin and cold
The yellow sun is getting old
The ozone overflows with radio waves
AM, FM, weather and news
Our leaders had a frank exchange of views
Are you confused, radio waves

Radio waves, radio waves
AM radio waves, FM radio waves
Radio waves, mind-numbing radio waves
Fish-stunning radio waves
Radio waves

Magic billy in his wheel chair
is picking up all this stuff in the air
Billy is face to face with outer space
Messages from distant stars
The local police calling all cars, radio waves

Hear them radio waves, rado waves
Jesus saves radio, radio waves
Radio waves, AM radio waves, FM radio waves
All them radio waves

Radio waves, radio waves, he hears radio waves
Radio waves, radio waves, hopeful radio waves
dopeful radio waves
Radio waves, Russian radio waves, Prussian radio waves
Eastern radio waves, Western radio waves
Testing radio waves, one, two, one, two
Radio waves, getting through to you
Morse code radio waves, Tobacco road radio waves
South to Paloma radio waves, Oklahoma City radio waves
Sitting pretty radio waves, nitty-gritty radio waves
Radio waves

Jim: Alright, that's a song called Radio Waves.
You're listening to KAOS in Los Angeles and
we've got Billy on the line.
Billy: I'm from the valleys.
Jim: You're from the valley?
Billy: No, Jim you schmuck, the Valleys;
male voice choirs, Wales.
Jim: Ah, you're from Wales! Now is this sperm or blue-tip?
Billy: Ha, ha, ha, ha. Very funny Jim.
Jim: Sorry.
Billy: Me and Benny went out.
Jim: Who's Benny?

Who Needs Information.

Me and Benny went out last night
looking for fun
Supping ale in the moonlight
Waiting for the dawn to come

Benny pointed at a HiFi shop
He said hey man look at all the stuff they've got
How'd you make a have out of a have not

Who needs information
When you're working underground
Just give me confirmation
We could win a million pounds

Benny climbed up on a footbridge
And he teetered on the parapet
He said "can you see the whites of their headlights
Are they coming yet"

Who needs information
this high off the ground
Just give me confirmation
We could win a million pounds

Who needs information
When you're living in constant fear
Just give me confirmation
There's some way out of here
Some way out of here

Benny hefted a breeze block
and tried to let it go
Got hung up on a tear drop
So me and Benny went home

Who needs information yeah
hen you're living on borrowed time
Just give me confirmation
There will be a winner this time

Who needs information when you're working underground
Just give me confirmation
We could win a million pounds
Who needs, who needs, who needs information
this high off the ground
Just give me confirmation
We could win a million pounds yeah

Jim: Um (Lights a cigarette) So your brother is in jail?

Me Or Him.

You wake up in the morning, get something for the pot
Wonder why the sun makes the rocks feel hot
Draw on the walls, eat, get laid
Back in the good old days

Then some damn fool invents the wheel
Listen to the whitewalls squeal
You spend all day looking for a parking spot
Nothing for the heart, nothing for the pot

Benny turned the dial on his Short Wave radio
Oh how he wanted to talk to the people
He wanted his own show
Tune in Moscow, tune in New York
Listen to the Welsh kid talk
Communicating like in the good old days

Forgive me father for I have sinned
It was either me or him
And a voice said Benny
You fucked the whole thing up
Benny your time is up
Your time is up

Benny turned the dial on his Short Wave radio
He wanted to talk to the people
He wanted his own show
Tune in Moscow, tune in New York
Listen to the Welsh kid talk
Communicating like in the good old days

Forgive me father
Welsh policeman: Mobile One Two to Central
For I have sinned
Welsh policeman: We have a multible on the A465
between Cymbran and Cylgoch
Father it was either me or him
Father can we turn back the clock?
Welsh Policeman: Ambulance, over.
I never meant to drop the concrete block
Welsh Policeman: Roger central, over and out.

Benny turned the dial on his Short Wave radio
He wanted to talk to the people
He wanted his own show
Tune in Moscow, tune in New York
Listen to the Welsh kid talk
Just like in the good old days
The good old days.

Radio announcer: Do you really think Iranian terrorists
would have taken American hostage if Ronald Reagen
were president?
Do you really think the Russians would have invaded
Afghanistan if Ronald Reagan were president?
Do you really think third-rate military dictators would
laugh at America and burn our flag in contempt if
Ronald Reagan were president?
Concerned Citizen: Well it might work!
Hostage: We as a group do most importantly want to
beseech president Reagan and our fellow Americans to
refrain from any form of military or violent means as
an attempt, no matter how noble or heroic, to secure
our freedom.
Concerned Citizen: Sure! Only it's going to be mighty
dangerous for you, Cassidy

Hoppys faithful sidekick: guess you don't know
Hopalong Cassidy, Mister. Adventure's his bread,
excitement's his butter and danger, why to him that's
like strawberry jam to top it off.

The Powers That Be.

Jim: This is some live rock and roll at KAOS, where
rock and roll comes out of chaos and a song called
"The Powers That Be"...

The powers that be
They like a tough game
No rules
Some you win, some you lose
Competition's good for you
They're dying to be free
They're the powers that be
They like a bomb proof cadillac
Air conditioned, gold taps
Back seat gun rack, platinum hub caps
They pick horses for courses
They're the market forces
Nice car Jack
They like order, make-up, lime light power
game shows, rodeos, star wars, TV
They're the powers that be
If you see them come
You better run - run
You better run on home

Sisters of mercy better join your brothers
Put a stop to the soap opera right now
They say the toothless get ruthless
You better run on home

You better run - run
You better run on home

The powers that be
They like treats, tricks, carrots and sticks
They like fear and loathing, they like sheep's clothing
and blacked-out vans
Blacked-out vans, contingency plans
They like death or glory, they love a goood story
They love a good story

Sisters of mercy better join with your brothers
Put a stop to the soap opera state
They say the toothless get ruthless
Run home before its too late
You better run - run
You better run on home

Billy: Goodnight, Jim.
Jim: Goodnight, Billy.
Uncle David's Great Dane: Woof, woof, woof!

Sunset Strip.

(The Canyon - daytime. Billy plays with Great Uncle David's
Great Dane.)

Paraquat Kelly: Bull heads, three red snapper, one pink
snapper and your Pacific coastal trench
housemonster fish.
Cynthia Fox: Ohhh! At Sky David's juke joint of joy
reports, forty under the console giggle stick ling
cod, twenty-three purple perches four sledge-
hammerhead sharks, and what a surprise,
eightyfour crabs, and no red snapper.
Paraquat Kelly: Hey and that'll do for the triumphant
return of the fish report with a beat.
Jim: We think of it as mainstreet, but to the rest of
the country it's Sunset Strip. You're listening to
KAOS in Los Angeles.

I like staying with my Uncle Dave
and I like playing with his great dane
but I don't fit
I feel alien and strange. Kinda outa range

I like riding in my Uncle's car
Down to the beach where the pretty girls all parade
And movie stars and paparazzi play
The Charles Atlas kicking sand in the face game

And I sit in the canyon with my back to the sea
There's a blood red dragon on a field of green
Calling me back
Back to the Black Hills again
Ooh, ooh, Billy come home

Billy is searching for his native land
Flicking through the stations with the dial in his head
Picking up - - - - - - - - and
a male voice choir on the short wave band

Billy taps out Jim's number on the phone
Sits shaking as he waits for Jim's answering tone
Come on my friend, speak to me please
The land of my fathers is calling to me
And I sit in the canyon with my back to the sea
There's a blood red dragon on a field of green
Calling me back, back to the Black Hills again
Ooh, ooh, Billy come home
Come on home

He sits in the canyon with his back to the sea
Sees a blood red dragon on a field of green
He hears a male voice choir singing Billy come home
Billy, Billy, come home
Come on home

Californian Weirdo: I don't like fish, marine fish
Jim: You are listening to KAOS here in Los Angeles.
Californian Weirdo: I don't like fish.
Jim: Yes, we've established that. Ah! Do you have a
Californian Weirdo: Shell fish, guppy, salmon, shrimp
and crab and lobster, flounder,
I hate fish, but I think most of all I hate
fresh fish, like trout. I hate fresh trout.
My least-hated, favourite fish would be sole.
That way you don't have to see the eyes.
Sole has no eyes.
Jim: Oh no!
I'd like to be home with my monkey and my dog.
Jim: Thank you.
I'd like to be home with my monkey and my dog.
I'd like to be home with my monkey and dog.
I'd like to be home with my monkey...
Jim: They don't care. Shut up. Play the record.


Jim: Oh God!
Californian Weirdo: Sole has no eyes.

Could be Jerusalem, or it could be Cairo
Could be Berlin, or it could be Prague
Could be Moscow, could be New York
Could be Llanelli, and it could be Warrington
Could be Warsaw, and it could be Moose Jaw
Could be Rome
Everybody got somewhere they call home

When they overrun the defences
A minor invasion put down to expenses
Will you go down to the airport lounge
Will you accept your second class status
A nation of waitresses and waiters
Will you mix their martinis
Will you stand still for it
Or would you take to the hills

It could be clay and it could be sand
Could be desert
Could be a tract of arable land
Could be a house, could be a corner shop
Could be a cabin by a bend in the river
Could be something your old man handed down
Could be something you built on your own
Everybody got something he calls home

When the cowboys and Arabs draw down
on each other at noon
in the cool dusty air of the city boardroom
Will you stand by a passive spectator
of the market dictators
Will you discreetly withdraw
With your ear pressed to the boardroom door
Will you hear when the lion within you roars
Will you take to the hills

Will you stand, will you stand for it
Will you hear, ohhh!, Ohh! when the lion within you roars

Could be your father and it could be your mother
Could be your sister, could be your brother
Could be a foreigner, could be a Turk
Could be a cyclist out looking for work, Norman
Could be a king, could be Aga Khan
Could be a Vietnam vet with no arms and no legs
Could be a saint, could be a sinner
Could be a looser or it could be a winner
Could be a banker, could be a baker
Could be a Laker, could be Kareem Abdul Jabar
Could be a male voice choir
Could be a lover, could be a fighter
Could be super heavyweigth, or it could be
something lighter
Could be a cripple, could be a freak
Could be a wop, gook, geek
Could be a cop, could be a thief
Could be a family of ten living in one room on relief
Could be our leaders in their concrete tombs
With their tinned food and their silver spoons
Could be the pilot with God on his side
Could be the kid in the middle of the bomb sight
Could be a fanatic, could be a terrorist
Could be a dentist, could be a psychiatrist
Could be humble, could be proud
Could be a face in the crowd
Could be the soldier in the white cravat
Who turns the key in spite of the fact
That this is the end of the cat and mouse
Who dwelt in the house
Where the laughter rang and the tears were spilt
The house that Jack built
Bang, bang, shoot, shoot
White gloved thumb, Lord thy will be done
He was always a good boy his mother said
He'll do his duty when he's grown, yeah
Everybody got someone they call home

Four Minutes.

Billy: Four minutes and counting.
Jim: O.K.
Billy: They pressed the button, Jim.
Jim: They pressed the button Billy, what button?
Billy: the big red one.
Jim: You mean THE button?
Billy: Goodbey Jim.
Jim: Goodbey! Oh yes. this ain't au revoir,
it's goodbey! Ha Ha!
This is KAOS. It's a beautiful, balmy,
southern California summer day.
It's 80 degrees... I said balmy... I could say
bomby... Ha! Ha!... O.K. I'm Jim and this is
Radio KAOS and with only four minutes
left to us, let's use this as wisely as possible.
Molly: Everybody got someone they call home.
Jim: Out at Dodger Stadium. It's the bottom of the
seventh, the Dodgers are leading three to
nothing over the Giants, and for those of you
who are looking to go surfing tomorrow, too
('Phone rings.)
Jim: I'm kinda lost in here to tell you the truth...
O.K. good. Ladies and gentlemen, if the reports
that we are getting are correct, this could be it.
Billy if you're listening to me, please call now.

After a near miss on the plane
You swear you'll never fly again
After the first kiss when you make up
You swear you'll never break up again
And when you've just run a red light
You swear to yourself you'll never drink and drive again
Sometimes I feel like going home
You swear you'll never let things go by again
Sometimes I miss the rain and snow
And you'll never toe the party line again
And when the east wind blows
Sometimes I feel like going home.

Jim: Billy, if you're listening, please call.
Californian Weirdo: Sole has no eyes.
Molly: Goodbey little spy in the sky,
They say that cameras don't lie,
Am I happy, am I sad, am I good,
am I bad?
Jim: Billy, if you're listening please call.
Californian Weirdo: Sole has no eyes, sole has no eyes.
Billy: Ten, nine, eight, seven,
Margaret Thatcher: Our own independant nuclear deterrent has helped to keep the peace,
Billy: Six, five, four, three,
Ordinary person:'ve got a job...
Billy: Two, one,
Margaret Thatcher: For nearly forty years
Jim: Goodbey Billy

The Tide Is Turning (After Live Aid).

I used to think the world was flat
Rarely threw my hat into the crowd
I felt I had used up my quota of yearning
Used to look in on the children at night
In the glow of their Donald Duck light
And frighten myself with the thought of my little ones
But oh, oh, oh, the tide is turning
The tide is turning.

Satellite buzzing through the endless night
Exclusive to moonshots and world title fights
Jesus Christ imagine what it must be earning
Who is the strongest, who is the best
Who holds the aces, the East or the West
This is the crap our children are learning
But oh, oh, oh, the tide is turning
The tide is turning
Oh, oh, oh, the tide is turning.

Now the satellite's confused
'cos on Saturday night
The airwaves were full of compassion and light
And his silicon heart warmed
to the sight of a billion candles burning
Oo, oo, oo, the tide is turning
Oo, oo, oo, the tide is turning
The tide is turning Billy.

I'm not saying that the battle is won
But on Saturday night all those kids in the sun
Wrested technology's sword from the hand of the
War Lords
Oh, oh, oh, the tide is turning
The tide is turning Sylvester
The tide is turning.

Jim: That's it!

Transcripción del código morse:

Now the past is over but you are not alone
Together we'll fight Sylvester Stallone
We will not be dragged down in his South China Sea
of macho bullshit and mediocrity.

Ahora, el pasado se acabo, pero no estás solo
Juntos vamos a luchar Sylvester Stallone
No seremos arrastrados en su mar de China meridional
del macho mierda y la mediocridad.


 EMI Records.

 EMI Records.

 EMI Records.

Roger Waters transmits a masterpiece.
Billy hears "RADIO WAVES" in his head...
and the future of mankind hangs in the balance.
Columbia Records.

2 comentarios:

  1. Radio KAOS es el segundo álbum de estudio en solitario delmúsico de rock inglés y exmiembro de Pink Floyd Roger Waters . Lanzado el 15 de junio de 1987 en el Reino Unido y el 16 de junio en los Estados Unidos, fue el primer álbum en solitario de Waters después de su separación formal de Pink Floyd en 1985. Al igual que sus álbumes de estudio anteriores y futuros y muchas de sus obras durante su tiempo con Pink Floyd, el álbum es un álbum conceptual basado en una serie de temas temáticos clave de finales de la década de 1980, incluido el monetarismo y su efecto en los ciudadanos, la cultura popular de la época y los eventos y consecuencias de la Guerra Fría . También hace críticas a Margaret ThatcherEl gobierno, al igual que The Final Cut de Pink Floyd , otro álbum concebido por Waters.

    El álbum sigue a Billy, un hombre de Gales con discapacidad mental y física, obligado a vivir con su tío David en Los Ángeles después de que su hermano Benny fue enviado a prisión después de un acto destinado a apoyar a los mineros del carbón en la muerte de un taxista, luego de su despido de su trabajo minero debido a las "fuerzas del mercado". El álbum explora la mente de Billy y su visión del mundo a través de una conversación en el aire entre él y Jim, un disc jockey en una estación de radio local ficticia llamada Radio KAOS.


  2. Radio K.A.O.S. is the second solo studio album by English rock musician Roger Waters. Released on 15 June 1987 in the United Kingdom and 16 June in the United States, it was Waters' first solo studio album after his formal departure from the band Pink Floyd in 1985.

    Like his previous and future studio albums and many works of his during his time with Pink Floyd, the album is a concept album based on a number of key topical subjects of the late 1980s, including monetarism and its effect on citizens, popular culture of the time, and the events and consequences of the Cold War. It also makes criticisms of Margaret Thatcher's government, much like Pink Floyd's The Final Cut (1983), another album conceived by Waters.

    The album follows Billy, a mentally and physically disabled man from Wales, forced to live with his uncle David in Los Angeles after his brother Benny is sent to prison following an act intended to support striking coal miners which results in the death of a taxi driver, and his dismissal from his mining job due to "market forces".

    The album explores Billy's view of the world through an on-air conversation between him and Jim, a disc jockey (DJ) at a fictitious local radio station named Radio KAOS.


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The Dark Side Of The Moon (93) Wish You Were Here (49) Animals (44) The Final Cut (41) The Wall (40) A Momentary Lapse Of Reason (39) Discovery (30) Atom Heart Mother (26) The Division Bell (26) The Piper At The Gates Of Dawn (26) A Saucerful Of Secrets (25) Meddle (22) More. Soundtrack From The Film (21) Delicate Sound Of Thunder (20) Obscured By Clouds (20) A Collection Of Great Dance Songs (18) Radio K.A.O.S (18) Ummagumma (18) About Face (17) Relics (16) The Pros And Cons Of Hitch Hiking (16) Oh By The Way (15) Amused To Death (11) Shine On (10) The Early Years 1965–1972 (10) Wet Dream (10) p·u·l·s·e (10) Odeon Records (8) On An Island (8) The Endless River (8) Works (8) Broken China (7) Masters Of Rock (7) Music From The Body (7) Zabriskie Point. Music From The Motion Picture (7) David Gilmour Live In Pompeii (6) Echoes (6) Identity (6) Live At Pompeii (6) Profiles (6) ZEE (6) Fictitious Sports (5) Is There Anybody Out There? (5) Rattle That Lock (5) The Peel Sessions (5) Tonite Let's All Make Love In London (5) Barrett (4) Is This The Life We Really Want? (4) Live In Gdańsk (4) Roger Waters The Wall (4) The Madcap Laughs (4) When The Wind Blows (4) A Foot In The Door (3) A Nice Pair (3) An Introduction To Syd Barrett (3) Immersion Box Set (3) Crazy Diamond (2) David Gilmour In Concert (2) High Hopes (2) In The Flesh (2) Live At The Roundhouse (2) Lost For Words (2) Metallic Spheres (2) Opel (2) Remember That Night (2) Take It Back (2) When The Tigers Broke Free (2) 30th Anniversary Sampler (1) 4 Tracks Live from Abbey Road (1) Coming Back To Life (1) David Gilmour & Friends (1) Flickering Flame (1) Keep Talking (1) Knebworth. The Album (1) Octopus (1) Picnic. A Breath Of Fresh Air (1) Roger Waters Solo Album Collection (1) Supertracks (1) The Best Of Syd Barrett: Wouldn't You Miss Me? (1) The Radio One Sessions (1) The Story Of Wish You Were Here (1) The Wall Singles Collection (1) What Do You Want From Me (1) Ça Ira (1)